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Car Accidents


Car accidents are common. Most are minor fender-benders that are resolved quickly – but sometimes, you need an attorney to help you work through the lingering problems that result from an accident.

We can help you with insurance issues

Issues can include an insurance company that refuses to fairly compensate you or your loved ones for injuries and property damage. This might even be your own insurance company, the one you’ve paid premiums to for years, with an expectation the company would be on your side should the need arise for a claim. That’s not always the case.

An experienced attorney can examine an insurance company’s offer, your policy, the damage or injuries from the accident and determine if you’re being fairly compensated – and fight for your rights if you are not.

You may also find that injuries you sustained in an accident will necessitate changes in how you make a living or that your home needs remodeling to accommodate a walker, wheelchair or eliminate stairs. Those very real costs deserve compensation from the driver at fault in the accident or their insurance company.

In some cases, drivers do not have adequate insurance coverage. Your own insurance company may need to compensate you under your underinsured or uninsured motorist policy, which is part of most insurance policies. These documents are difficult for those who are not trained to read and understand. An experienced attorney can help with that.

Wrongful death claims from accidents

In the case of a death from an accident, an attorney can help you and your family seek compensation for medical bills, loss of income and loss of consortium from the family member who has left all too soon. These accidents are far too common, with Kentucky reporting 672 fatal accidents in 2014. Alcohol-impaired driving was a factor in 171 of these cases. Warren County, where our firm is located, has the fourth highest number of fatalities by county in the state of Kentucky, with 17 reported in 2014.

More than 38,000 people died in traffic accidents throughout the U.S. in 2015, according to the National Safety Council. Leading causes of these fatalities include speeding, distracted driving and alcohol (driving while intoxicated). While all of these activities are illegal, drivers still speed, text while driving and drink before getting behind the wheel without thinking about the consequences.

Courts regularly handle car wreck cases

All of these circumstances have been addressed by courts in Kentucky and Tennessee, and our experienced attorneys have handled these types of claims. We are accustomed to walking with our clients as we collect accident reports, medical evidence, insurance policies, and many other items that are needed to evaluate your case.

We offer a free initial consultation of your potential claim. If you’d like to contact us, please use our contact form or call our offices at (270) 781-6500.

Client Reviews
I was so pleased with all the good efforts and grateful for all Jessica and her firm did on my behalf. Clare
Kurt was very helpful, caring, and understood the struggle we had. He was diligent and worked fast to make sure our case was handled quick, fairly and properly. He settled my case above my expectations and has continued to stay in contact to make sure all needs were met. Amy
I know Kurt to be a man of integrity with an uncanny sense and knowledge of the law and it's workings. I enthusiastically, without hesitation recommend Kurt and would call upon him again. Linton